Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Mengganti Logo Start Windows 7 dengan Windows 7 Start Button Changer

yeah kali ini saya share cara mengganti logo start diwindows 7.. dengan Windows 7 Start Button Changer,
Oke langsung aja Bro ,

1. Download softwarenya DISINI 
2. Ekstrak File rarnya.. dan langsung jalankan Windows 7 Start Button Changer v 2.6.exe

3. klik logo windows seperti gambar diatas... terus masukan logonya, ada folder d10 Sample Orbs dan OK dah jadi,
4. Untuk mengembalikan klik logo disamping tulisan Restore Original Backup


Its a real pleasure to release Windows 7 Start Button Changer, developed by our '12 year young' TWC forum member! This freeware portable app allows you change the Windows 7 Start Orb or Button easily.

Start Button Changer must be run from its own program folder.

Click on Select & Change Start Button to select a custom Start Orb. The program will backup you original explorer.exe, change the start button and restart explorer.exe. To restore the default Start Orb and explorer from the backup, click Restore Original Explorer Backup.

Before changing from one custom orb to another custom orb, I’d suggest you Restore and go back to the defaults and then change over to another custom orb.

Best to always create a System Restore point first.

It has been tested it on Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit & 64-bit.

If you get an error, Right the program icon and ‘Run it as Admin’.

IF in x64 version, you receive an ‘unhandled exception’ error, please click on Continue or try running it again ‘As an Admin’.

The download also includes some 10 Sample Start Orbs, whose creators have been duly credited there.

The publisher or the author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this software.

All product names, logos, and trademarks are acknowledged as the registered intellectual property of their respective owners.

Copyright 2010 www.theWindowsClub.com
Created by www.Kishan.info

2 komentar:

  1. min pas udah diganti kok punya saya gak muncul orbnya ya..??

    1. orb yang mana gan.. harusnya setelah pilih gambar yang include disitu , keganti jga tu gambar startnya,,

      coba run as administrator aja deh dulu programnya
